Sword Scramasax «Severny»
Blade of mosaic Damascus steel, straight, single-edged, with three narrow subdivisions, separated by inlaid gold wire. The handle is rounded, the black handle is made of ivory. The surface of the handle is decorated with a carved wicker ornament. The base and pommel of the handle are gold, the surface of which is completely covered with traditional Scandinavian ornamentation made using the technique of chasing and engraving. The top of the handle is decorated with a geometric figure. The edge of the pommel and base is outlined with silver stripes. The inner edge of the scabbard is closed with a volumetric overlay that acts as an orifice, rings with rings and a decorative «seam» on the scabbard that smoothly turns into the tip. The surface of the nib is decorated with gold soldering. The overlay is decorated with classic chased and engraved Scandinavian ornaments. Elements of the «animal» style are included in the wicker ornament on the clips. The mouth of the scabbard is accented with a large garnet insert. The scabbard is connected to a leather harness by means of three rings, through which flat wide chains of intricate weaving are passed. Actually, scramasaxes are understood as knives more than thirty centimeters long and, as a rule, having a richly decorated scabbard. He easily punched through good chain mail. Usually a sword was used in conjunction with scramasax.
Material: Mosaic Damascus Steel, Ivory, Silver, Gold, Garnet, Leather.
Technique: Forging, polishing, lost-wax casting, soldering, mounting, engraving, chasing, occasional gilding, all-over.
Overall size: 558 mm
Length without scabbard: 552 mm
Stick length: 142 mm
Blade length: 410 mm
Blade width: 30-26 mm
Blade thickness: 8-6 mm