Sword Mahayra (Falkata) Argonavty
Damascus steel blade, complex profile, single-edged, curved towards the blade, with one-sided sharpening along the inner surface of the blade. The handle is made in the shape of a horse’s head, made using art casting technique. A technique typical for early samples of falcata. The base of the handle has a recess that serves as a protective function and prevents the sword from slipping out of the hand. The handle is made of ivory. The scabbard is wooden, profiled, covered with red leather. The scabbard device is made of silver and consists of a clip with a suspension, a figured suspension, a figured tip and a mouth. The mouth of the scabbard is made in the form of overlays decorated with floral ornaments, passing into a decorative belt, decorated with a scene of a warrior’s departure to a campaign. Falcata (Kopis) is a type of sword typical of pre-Roman Hispania, similar to the Greek Kopis or Nepali Kukri. Falcata has a blade sharpened on one side, which has a concave blade along the bottom of the sword and convex along the top. This shape distributes the weight in such a way that the falcata is able to strike with the momentum of an ax, while maintaining the cutting blade of the sword. Ephesus is usually made in the form of a hook, the end of which is in the shape of a horse or a bird. It is believed that the Falcats were introduced in the Iberian Peninsula by the Celts, who spread the technology of iron processing. Roman armies in the Second Punic War and later, during the conquest of Hispania, were surprised by the quality of the falcata used by Iberian mercenaries and warriors. The quality of the falcata was expressed not only in their shape, but also in the quality of the iron from which they were made.
Material: Masa Damascus steel, ivory, silver, garnets, wood (maple), leather.
Techniques of execution: Forging, polishing, investment casting, sawing, soldering, mounting, engraving, embossing, patinating.
Overall size: 659 mm
Length without scabbard: 640 mm
Stick length: 150 mm
Blade length: 490 mm
Blade width: 45-66 mm
Blade thickness: 7-5 mm
Scabbard length: 514 mm